Unbridled Woman in Business

A Live Virtual Retreat Series for Women Space Holders 









Are you ready to be in relationship with your business in a way that feels sacred and liberating?

If so, I have an invitation for you dear Unbridled Woman... 

Join me for Unbridled Woman in Business: a 3 day, free virtual retreat series where we transition your relationship with your business.


If you are a woman who...

  • Is looking to transition or build your own business that reflects your healing and purposeful work
  • Has been growing and building your practice for a while, but feel stagnant and stuck in your growth and are feeling burned out,frustration in your process, and are not seeing the signs of progress you desire
  • Is feeling out of tune with your own wisdom or overwhelmed with what advice to take or how to create growth and progress
  • Is not connecting with those you are called to serve (if you even know who those people are)
  • Is trying to ‘niche” yourself without success
  • Is stuck in a pattern of fear in how you price your offerings, you’re feeling like you are in a space of undercharging, or worse, are paralyzed to a point you are not offering anything at all
  • Has no idea how to build your presence online, what platforms to use, how to market yourself to create connection, etc.
  • Feels your wheels are spinning and are are overwhelmed with what action to take
  • Needs things to shift and work in order to create progress so you can not only support yourself, but also feel like you are honoring the spaces of your sacred work

...I have an invitation.

Join me in a sacred, free 3-day virtual retreat series where we unbridle your success in business. 

It is possible to honor yourself, your work, and your business, I’ll show you how.


My own journey...

I was like you once - and confession sometimes I find myself in those places again.

When I started my transition to a full-time business that was based around my gifts, it was 2012. 2 years later, I transitioned a portion of my business online.

Since then, I have grown my practice, reached the external measurements of success - both in revenue and in how I connect and hold space for my community- and most importantly found a way to do so that felt deeply aligned with how I create in the world.

I am someone that needs to do things intuitively, without a rule book, in my own way.

I struggled for years trying what other people told me, over time feeling more and more disconnected from my purpose and more resentful of this business that was weighing me down and causing me more heartache than anything else.

Something shifted when I realized that I could create - and have a sacred connection to my business - while unbridling how I wanted to create and relate to what I was building.

I am not strategic, but strategy is not what created my success, authenticity, courage to share my medicine, and listening to my own alignment did.

I believe deeply in being moved by ritual in our practice, relating to our business in a way that feels sacred, leading with authenticity, and finding a path that aligns to who we be in how we are building the spaces of our sacred work.

I know it can be hard to trust our own inner knowing ANDseek out advice that feels resonante to us as we build and grow.

And so I wanted to create a series to support you in the unbridling of your work and purpose but also of yourself.

I believe deeply in the space and gifts of women in their medicine and the importance of them holding their purpose in the world.

We have to look at the ways we are holding ourselves back in our limitations, our wounding and conditioning to create liberation and freedom so we can be deeply supported in our work and support those we are called to hold space for.

Join me in unblocking the conditioning and ways you are holding yourself back during this series.


This 3-day virtual retreat series will include:

  • Aligning into an intuitive and empowered mindset to unbridle ourselves and the success of our business
  • Pricing and marketing our programs
  • Creating our platforms and connecting to our collectives
  • Knowing our “niche”
  • Filling our spaces with ease and alignment
  • Healing our relationship with money
  • Creating sacred boundaries in our practice
  • Spiritual practices for success in business
  • Finding and owning our unique medicine in our work

If you are struggling with ingesting the wisdom you are hearing and feel lost and stagnant in what you are creating in your sacred work, come join me.

How this virtual retreat series takes place:

The series is done live virtually, but all calls are recorded in case you cannot join us during the scheduled times.

You will get access to the recordings to come back to and sink into post retreat.

You must register to receive a space in the series.

Series will take place from May 18-20th 2021. You will receive emails with your confirmation and all the meeting and recording details.

There will also be a private Facebook group to support and get access to ourselves as we deepen into this series.


If you can't make it live to the retreat series, there will be recordings that are sent out.
You must register to get access to the recordings.


50% Complete

Enter your name and email below to join this free retreat series:

Unbridled Woman in Business

Beginning on May 18, 2021 at 11:00 am PST

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