A Journey of Capacity

A Live Virtual Retreat Series for Women Space Holders 









Welcome to A Journey of Capacity. 

The pathway of self sacrifice, of self neglect, of burn out, and of the abandonment of our feminine essence is over. 

We are being called into a new way of tending to ourselves and what we birth externally.

One where we lean into where the creation and our leading of our sacred work is: rooted from our capacity to not just hold space for others but ourselves. 

Welcome Sacred Woman, 

I invite you to join me in a series of virtual retreats with a small, but sacred group of other wise women April 12-15th. 

I invite you to land into a space that unveils what causes us to self abandon, and offers a different way for us to be truly in ourselves and be what we are called to in this lifetime. 

If the pattern of burn out and overwhelm are a common part of your cycle...

If you are getting the message that you need to root into the space of your feminine leadership and leading with the collective... 

If messages of rest, self care, and honoring are speaking to you... 

Come join us in this series of healing and clarity as we look at what stops us from honoring our own energy and what gives us courage to lead in the way we are being invited into. 

This space is about us recognizing that our own capacity of how we hold ourselves is essential and critical if we are going to allow the fullness of how we are called to serve to root into place.

My own journey...

In 2012, I took a brave leap of following my own calling to lead my purpose in a bigger way than just dabbling with it on the side. 

I was called to purpose, and leapt into starting my own practice leasing a retreat space, starting and growing my programs with my horses, and then branching into an online business. 

I started from scratch and built success. At the peak, I hit the 6 figure mark, bought my dream property, and created a reputation that was built on how I held space for women.

I had done “it” - finding success where others sought to. However there lay periods of time where depletion and burn out held me tightly, depression raged through me, and my quality of life frankly...was shit. 

I questioned the sustainability of my purpose and got tired of sacrificing myself in the pursuit of it. 

I came to realize in the years of holding space for women, there was a common thread of healing we had to tend to, that when they came to me for the support of their practice, we spent the majority of time addressing their capacity and their journey with burn out. 

No more. 

We have to find a new way of leading, and of putting the care and tending to our own energy first. 


This virtual retreat series is a deep dive into supporting you in these areas: 

  • Where burn out and depletion root into us and how to overcome that cycle. 
  • What being and leading in the space of feminine energy really means. 
  • How to create ritual for ourselves and find a belief system that puts our own energy first. 
  • Creating authentic success that speaks to internal alignment.
  • Space holding and sacred boundaries. 
  • Deepening our relationship and healing with money and abundance consciousness. 

Come join me.

The Collective

We will also be joined in this retreat series by a collective of women who will share their stories and gifts, offering their wisdom alongside me. 

The women in this collective include: 

Guliz Unlu, who will share with us the power of breathwork and body wisdom. 

Elsa Janney, who will share Akashic readings and their power to speak to us. 

Tanis Frame will share the sovereignty of how we honor ourselves as women and where we can begin to thrive in ourselves and in our lives. 

If you are needing a deeper space of permission and affirmation on how to hold space for yourself, if you are seeking affirmation on a different way of leading that is more honoring to you:

Come join us.


How this virtual retreat series takes place:

This is a free series that you get to receive and then deepen past our time together. We begin Monday April 12 and complete on Thursday April 15th. 

Each day over the 4 days, you will get access to ourselves and the other women in guidance and support. 

This series is an entry into conversations and facilitation with myself and the other women who join. Recordings of the conversations will be delivered to your inbox, along with prompts and inquiries to deepen your wisdom. 

Once you sign up, you will receive information on call times to come join us and be supported in the content and journey and then receive the call recordings if you can’t make it live or  want to dive into the content post series. 

There will also be a private Facebook group to support and get access to ourselves as we deepen into this series 

Times of our calls will be emailed out prior to day one of the retreat series.

You will walk away with a new set of belief systems, rituals and support to address the spaces of your own capacity and purpose. 


If you can't make it live to the retreat series, there will be recordings that are sent out.
You must register to get access to the recordings.


50% Complete

Enter your name and email below to join this free retreat series:

A Journey of Capacity

Beginning on April 12, 2021 at 2:00 pm PST

By signing up for this webinar, you agree to receive news, updates and offerings from hillaryschneider.com.  You may unsubscribe from the email at anytime.