8 Years Reflection of Sustaining Our Big Visions:
A Virtual Retreat Experience





We hear a lot of support on what it looks like, or what it takes, to make the big leaps, to achieve the heights of success and arriving to the big destinations that we envision.

We don’t hear a lot about how we then sustain these visions, and what goes into cultivating the longevity of our success.

8 years ago I bought my dream ranch at 32 years old, a destination that I had been nurturing for years of my life, a height that I worked hard to achieve.

I thought perhaps that would be the end of the effort, that my arrival would be the answer to the fulfilment. I didn’t think beyond that place.

In truth, I was so captured by the holding of the vision and achieving it that I didn’t think much about the sustaining of it.

I wasn’t prepared for or understood that the journey was just beginning, in some ways, and I had to walk the path of sustaining.

 Real talk…

Expanding my business to include a retreat center has not been a walk in the park.

Having to consistently support and hold a high overhead with my business takes courage and effort to hold, especially in navigating life and things like a pandemic etc.

We don’t talk enough about the shit that goes on behind the scenes, the failures, the learning curves of the reality of holding big spaces.

It is not a glorified dream, in fact, it is hard at times, it challenges us, it forges us, and I cannot tell you how many times over the last 8 years I have felt the exhaustion of carrying such a big vision.

Here is another truth…

I am going into year 8 consistently growing my business, getting more confident and certain in my leadership, building a reputation for the integrity of the work I do, and loving that I get to live in the mountains with my herd.

I have built a lifestyle that I love, even when it feels hard at times. My growing family, adding motherhood, and still being able to hold my purpose alongside of it, feels like a gift.

I feel forged in ways that I could not have imagined before buying my ranch. My strength and resilience are an anchor to me.

I have no regrets, and as much as this vision is big to hold, I feel honored and blessed to hold it. There is lightness in this journey as well.

I also can appreciate having to navigate real-life stuff and still have the responsibility of needing to support a business that requires a lot.

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 This virtual retreat experience is meant to offer a perspective, not of reaching our callings and big visions, but also in knowing how we continue to sustain them, through highs and lows, and where we are deeply challenged.

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If you are a woman who is:

  • Walking a path of sustaining a vision, a business, a space of purpose and you are needing to be reminded of your strength.
  • If you are curious about what is behind the scenes of owning a retreat space and coaching practice that has sustained a decade and the pieces that are involved in supporting that.
  • If you are in a place where perhaps you can’t witness your own strength or are discouraged around where you currently are in the journey.
  • If you would like to simply hear and witness some wisdom of my 8 years since buying my dream ranch.

Some pieces I will be covering on the virtual retreat:

  • What are the most important places for us to nurture in ourselves that help us sustain the bigness of what we are holding?

  • What I learned about hiring support and staff and my lessons around how to cultivate the right support team.

  • What helps us to create success in sustaining our visions, internally and externally?

  • How do we hold the money piece of growing a big vision and then also beginning it in the first place?

  • What are the practices and support that I cultivated that have allowed me to sustain my vision without sacrificing myself?

  • What does my schedule look like with holding both retreats and online mentorship, supporting my land and herd, and also being a mother?

  • What does it look like to hold both the intuitive and practical lens when we are building and sustaining so we can ally ourselves with the gift of both worlds?

This virtual retreat is a 2-hour experience of me sharing some real and practical pieces of my journey while also providing some space for those who join me to ask questions and be supported in their own journey.


If you cannot make this live, there will be a recording that gets sent out afterwards. You will have lifetime access to the recording.


You must register below to receive the recording.

Join us Wednesday, January 10th at 3pm PST